
Splitting bytuan.com

Having a flash website is fun to navigate along the content, yet does nothing for those who want to view the content with haste, or those that have a 56k modem, or both... also having a html version is good for search engines such as Google. I decided to split my website into two versions, flash and html. To do this I had to outsource a website developer. It took me two months to create the first website, a flash version, and I wasn't about to take another few months to birth the second. Please keep in mind as much as I love websites I love photography more.

Lewis at sineout.com was kind enough to offer me his help in creating the HTML version. To me, he is a genius! It only took him less than a week to duplicate the flash into a working html format with all my requests intact.

Now, the viewers can browse through my on-line portfolio with ease. Soon additional content will be added... when I can find some time from freelance and homework, until then the website is complete.